The brutal actions have been taken by the ruling regime in Libya against the demonstrators who want a retreat tenggapan Gaddafi has reaped from the U.S. side. Obama also impose sanctions on Khadafi, namely by seizing assets belonging to Gaddafi that there is in the U.S.. This is done by the U.S. government for Gaddafi strength gradually weakened.
Barack Obama President of the United States sanction for Muammar Gaddafi and the brutal crackdown against the demonstrators who opposed his leadership. Penalties are provided for the Libyan government became weak to strong government initially was to be hobbled.
Penalties given Obama told Gaddafi, Gaddafi ie seize assets in the United States and blocking any property owned by Gaddafi and four sons in the U.S..
In a statement, Obama said the measures specifically directed against Gaddafi's government.
U.S. Drop Sanctions On Gaddafi
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