Why does Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi so unperturbed and insisted indulgence in the statements that seem brutal in dealing with protesters who demanded it back, And A week later, a number of high officials, diplomats, and soldiers defected from their leaders.
Apparently, Gaddafi has designed a system of power so that he feels completely safe from possible rongrongan such power in Tunisia and Egypt.
According to some international media, there are factors that make Gaddafi remains confident despite pressure from within and abroad. Nicknamed "Mad Dog" by the late President Ronald Reagan of the United States (U.S.) in the decade of the 80s, Gaddafi rely on fewer people to maintain power.
Among them, according to The Washington Post, was the fourth son of Gaddafi and two experienced senior officials in the intelligence world. They allegedly remained loyal with Gaddafi and is not affected by the official who defected. Gaddafi's loyal followers are also known to do the dirty work for their bosses, such as capturing and killing the opposition.
"It's too late for them to turn around the direction of Gaddafi. They can not go anywhere anymore, "said John Hamilton, an observer from the Cross Border International.
Gaddafi actually has eight children. However, only four that stand out and been very loyal to represent the interests of their father.
As the second son of Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam often appeared on television as the spokesman for his father's regime. He had twice appeared on broadcast television since the Libyan hit turbulence.
In one appearance, Saif has warned that his country could be hit by the Civil War when anti-Gaddafi demonstration continued. Warning Saif seemed to have proved.
Compared to the other brothers, 38-year-old man seemed much more prominent and educated. Before becoming a politician, Saif is known as a doctoral graduate of one of the leading universities in the UK, London School of Economics (LSE) and led the foundation of The Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Associations.
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