Reported by Voice of America (VoA), the advice 'extraordinary' that posed a former Libyan diplomat, who was a translator Gaddafi, Abubaker Saad. He now turned professional a professor at Western Connecticut State University, USA.
"After 42 years in power and watch the rebellion in two southeastern states, namely Tunisia and Egypt, we thought he (Gaddafi) will learn from that experience and immediately compromised, negosasi, or open dialogue. But he would not be willing to do it and the whole world already knows that, "said Saad was quoted as saying VoA, Thursday, February 24, 2011.
"If there are leaders who do not want to compromise, or even do not want to sit down and dialogue, the only alternative is to get rid of him, kill him to end this situation," Saad said, referring to the conflict without stopping in Libya since 15 February.
In a broadcast speech to the second in the middle of turmoil on Thursday local time, Gaddafi did not imply the slightest intention to resign. In fact, he blamed the other parties, namely Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda group which he led as a provocateur riot.
A number of major cities in Libya, including Benghazi, the rebels have controlled the masses. However, Gaddafi paid militias and soldiers who remained loyal to him to defend the capital Tripoli. Gaddafi seemed indifferent to the attitude of some ministers and ambassadors, who have quit because they do not agree with the steps in the use of violence to the demonstrators.
According to former Interior Minister Abdul Fattah Younis al-Abidi, Gaddafi is the leader of a "stubborn." 68-year-old ruler said it was not afraid to face the demands of the majority of its citizens.
In fact, according to Abidi, his former boss was quite desperate. "He will choose suicide or was murdered," said Abidi told the news station CNN. Abidi Gaddafi admitted that he had known since 1964.