Banish French 14 Libyan diplomats

Libyan Foreign Ministry announced expelled 14 Libyan diplomats. French diplomats consider it unacceptable. Deportation against them, as news Xinhua on Friday (05/06/2011), is planned within 24-48 hours after the announcement.

Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said the diplomats who worked for Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was persona non grata status imposed. Status of customary international relations it is usually imposed on diplomats in a country which is considered undesirable.

Sources in the ministry accused the diplomat said France had acted inconsistently related to the handling of protests against Moammar Qaddafi. Allegations against Qaddafi is committed acts outside of the establishment of human rights by the UN.

Meanwhile, Ambassador (Ambassador) of Libya to France Mohamed Salaheddine Zarem already resigned as a protest against Qaddafi policy. Besides Zarem, Libyan ambassador and diplomat who resigned for reasons mentioned above, among others, is Libya's UN Ambassador Abdurrahman Shalgham, the U.S. ambassador to Suleiman Aujali Libya, Libyan Ambassador to UNESCO Abdulsalam el-Qallali, Libyan Ambassador to India Ali al-Essawi, and Permanent Representative of Libya in the Arab League Abdel Moneim al-Huny.


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