After Osama killed, the U.S. Sure Can Destroy Al Qaeda

After Osama bin Laden confirmed dead, the United States became more confident to fight Al Qaeda organization. U.S. believes Osama dead post, the strength of Al Qaeda increasingly degraded.

Head of White House counterterrorism John Brennan said the death of Osama hit the morale of al-Qaeda fighters. "We will try to take advantage of the opportunity we have today with the death of the leader of Al Qaeda, bin Laden, to ensure we can destroy that organization," Brennan said in the NBC Today show as quoted by Reuter, Tuesday (03/05/2011).

"We are determined to do so and we believe we can," he said with confidence.

Since the attacks in 2011 in New York and Washington, Al Qaeda has spawned an affiliated group in the Middle East and North Africa and inspired militant group attacks in Europe and the United States.

"We believe that we have destroyed the organization (al Qaeda), degraded his ability and make it much more difficult to operate within or outside Pakistan,"said Brennan.

Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry said in an MSNBC interview on Monday (2 / 5) yesterday, U.S. drone attacks in the Federal Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan has killed as many as 17 senior leaders of Al Qaeda before the death of Osama.

Earlier, CIA director Leon Panetta warned that the death of Osama "almost certainly" encourage other militants to try to make a counterattack.

But Brennan believes the opposite. U.S. officials realized there was no specific threat, nearly 48 hours after the death of Osama. "But what we do is we take all prudent measures whenever there are important incidents like this," Brennan said in a separate interview on ABC's "Good Morning America. "

"Now, I think we feel very confident that we're on the right track," he said.


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