Phone Kuwaiti Reveals Traces Osama

Commando operation that killed the leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden on Monday (05/02/2011) early days, only lasted 40 minutes, but the preparation to determine the operation that takes many years. Nearly 10 years of Osama bin Laden managed to cover up traces of fugitive until one phone call changed everything ....
Since bin Laden managed to escape from massive attacks U.S. troops in the mountainous region of Tora Bora, Afghanistan, December 2001, tracks like disappeared. He moved from one hideout to another place and avoid telephone conversations or other forms of electronic communication that can be traced to the U.S. Central Intelligence (CIA).
Direct communication with field commanders, especially with his soldiers, as well as too risky because it will be easily detected. The only safe option to communicate is through the means of courier, messenger that is believed Osama bin Laden with all the soul herself.
The CIA officer was well aware of this messenger is the key to the hiding place of Osama. The problem is almost the same seek courier hard to find Osama himself.
Of the members of Al Qaeda that the CIA detained since 11 September 2001, just got the messenger pseudonym, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. The leader of Al Qaeda number three, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, acknowledged knowing al-Kuwaiti, but denied the motion of Al Qaeda were linked.
Only in 2004, after the CIA captured Hassan Ghul, a leader of Al Qaeda's field operations, obtained confirmation that al-Kuwaiti is an important messenger. Ghul also said, al-Kuwaiti is close Faraj al-Libi who replaced Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as al Qaeda's operations commander. "Hassan Ghul become an important chain (in the operation of tracking Osama)," said a U.S. intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of this issue.
May 2005, al-Libi was captured. To the CIA he admitted his appointment command replaces Mohammed delivered a courier. However, he made up another name for the courier and denied knowing al-Kuwaiti.
Insistence Mohammed and al-Libi linked to al-Kuwaiti even more convinced of the importance of the position of CIA al-Kuwaiti. Mohammed reportedly did not even mention the name of al-Kuwaiti anything while being tortured with waterboarding techniques.
The turning point
Through some interrogation by the officers of Al Qaeda and the middle-class family, the CIA finally get the true identity of al-Kuwaiti, ie Sheikh Abu Ahmed, a Pakistani citizen who was born in Kuwait.
Nevertheless, the CIA did not know exactly where Ahmed was. Two years ago they only knew Ahmed and a relative operate somewhere near Islamabad, Pakistan.
Until mid last year Ahmed calling someone who is being supervised CIA. One phone call this a turning point for the CIA and pave the way to trace the hideouts of Osama.
August 2010, the U.S. secret agents Ahmed finally found a place to live in a big house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. He lives with his family and one family who lived at home again closed the tall wall.
Since then, the CIA along with U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), which analyzes satellite imagery and photographs from spy planes, focusing on this three-story house.
The situation is growing more quickly, than a matter of weeks to a matter of days and hours. Until finally, after more and more convinced that the house contains an important Al Qaeda figure who is most likely Osama, President Barack Obama on Friday (29/04/2011), ordered a military operation to invade the house. End the trip Osama bin Laden has been determined.


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