There are various ways to slow the effects of global warming, in ways that are generally easy and simple. But less is taken seriously by most people. Though global warming is a serious problem. Earth's temperature would increase the effect of length of dry season or drought. Melting of ice in the polar mountains. Rising sea levels. And the difficulty of finding water sources. If it were so anyone try that responsibility? Because the effect is still not too bad, let's do 14 step change towards a better life, high quality and environmentally friendly.
1. Limit your paper usage
Embed this in your mind firmly, that each time you use a piece of paper then you have cut down a tree. Therefore, use paper-effective manner for example by printing the print out back and forth on each paper. If you nge-print something that is not too important, use recycled paper that behind it is still empty.
2. Replace light bulbs.
Immediately replace your incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lamp requires less energy than incandescent lamps. Remember that every electric power resources to which you participate then you spend electric energy resources, mostly fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable fuels, and within ten years into the future this type of fuel may be exhausted.
3. Avoid Screen Saver
Shut down your computer if it will not be used in long-term, or if you are forced to leave the computer turned on, turn off the screen saver. Activating the screen saver will take energy and Co2 emissions. So turn off your screen saver now!
4. Check tire pressure
Each time you want to travel janagn forget to check your tire pressure. tire the less the wind will slow the vehicle and eventually will require more fuel.
5. Open the windows wide open
In America, most of the 22.7 tons of CO2 emissions come from home. Most of the emission or exhaust gas comes from air conditioning, refrigerator, gas stove or refrigerator. Fatherly minimize it when the air conditioner thermostat to regulate the air temperature outside the room. Then open the windows wide open because the trapped air circulation can consume energy.
6. Use organic fertilizers.
Fertilizers are used mostly farmers contain elements of nitrogen, which then turned into N2O that cause effects GHG (Greenhouse Gas) 320 times greater than CO2. If you use organic fertilizer gardening hobby. In addition to safe, cheap too.
7. Plant the bamboo grove
The trees are proven to absorb CO2, but it turns out a tree or a clump of bamboo can absorb four times more CO2 than other trees.
8. Public transport
Currently the number of private cars is so much and make claustrophobic. Transport sector contributes to 14% of emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, if we use a common vehicle then we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, because in a public vehicle can carry dozens of people, and it is very energy efficient. Compared with private vehicles just as the sedan which only carry a maximum of four people.
9. Eat less beef
Yes, subtract from now eat beef. In addition to calorie y ang megandung high. Beef also contributed to greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Each kilogaram beef we eat, the equivalent of 20 watt bulb lit for 20 days.
10. Do not use plastic bags
In some American states, affairs and even plastic bags made of all laws. NGOs concerned about the environment to encourage the local state government fatherly prohibit the use of plastic bags as a bag of groceries. Plastic is indeed a difficult element decomposes, it took 1000 years to mengurainya in the soil.
Greenhouse gas effect caused also quite large. Then switch to cloth bags, for example from a natural fiber fabric.
11. Buying local products
Local products would not require a long distribution lines and requires a lot of fuel. This means reducing CO2 emissions released pengangkutnya cars. Then buy products vegetables or fruits according to season. This will save transportation costs and avoid a costly price.
12. Efficient living
Regardless of human activities on earth will have an impact on the earth we live. Energy consumption patterns, environmental patterns and so forth. Live as efficiently as possible, use less energy, komsumsilah little food, leave a consumptive lifestyle, ramahlah on the environment, talk a little more thought, and so forth.
13. Driving smart
Avoid long trips and spend time, if possible cut the road do it. Reduce activities that use private vehicles. If forced to use private vehicles, choose the streets and jam-free alternative that does not consume energy. If you wait, turn off the engine because the exhaust gases remain out of fuel while the materials used.
14. Wear old clothes
Now is not the prestige of his era, yet we die does not carry prestige. Nothing to be ashamed to wear secondhand clothes heritage or parents. By reducing buying new clothes then you will help reduce electricity consumption in clothing factories.
Moreover, many synthetic fabrics that contain petroleum. Even the cotton from the cotton turned out to contain pesticide. (Yayat / multiple sources)
There are 14 ways and reduces Global Warming
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