United States People's jolly glad to respond to President Barack Obama's speech about the death of Osama bin Laden in a military attack on Pakistan.
DPP Secretary-General of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) BM Wibowo assess celebration like this hurts. Not because the world of supporting terrorism, but because it is done by the American people, the country that spread terror in various parts of the earth.
"Even if add up, the victim is regarded as a result of the actions of Osama, is not comparable to the victims of military aggression, the United States and its allies. How many people ditewaskan U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? So how well victims of Israeli actions in Palestine, supported by the U.S.? United States should introspective why a lot of enemy, "he said through a release to Legal in Jakarta on Monday (02/05/2011).
Despite the controversy over the actions of Osama, he continued, courage against U.S. hegemony and double standards is required. Because there is no any other country is doing that now, except for Iran and Venezuela on a limited scale.
"Dominance without clearly not healthy controls, as the government without the opposition. If no longer there who care about inequality because of the superiority of the U.S., so be prepared to reap disappointment continued, especially in the Middle East and beyond, "he said.
Death of the number one in the network of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, making it precisely the existing network.
Because the network is already threatened, if Osama bin Laden dead or captured, then Al Qaeda will destroy the nuclear reactors and their American allies, especially in the Middle East region
Celebration of Osama bin Laden's Painful Deaths
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