Microblogging service Twitter has a number of disturbances in a row on its website on Wednesday (05/06/2011), this. There was disruption to the flow of the timeline at home, problems at the new display on the site, and Trending Topics list.
"Twitter.com impaired showing the timeline on the home,"according to information posted on its Web site Twitter. However, the problem has been overcome at 7:19 o'clock this morning.
The second problem occurred on view at the site. A number of users who had access to Twitter this morning at the site was forced to use the old version, aka retro look because Twitter accidentally turn it off. In fact, some users can not access it at all. However, this did not last long and have been overcome.
"related to the long view, we are temporarily shut down Trending," wrote Twitter. Until this story was written about at 10:45 or 5 hours since you turned off, the display on your site Twitter has indeed been returned, but Trending Topics list is empty.
According to news reported by Reuters from a trusted source, that caused the problem on Twitter data center in Utah. The data center is considered to be not able to anticipate the spike in traffic on the microblogging service.
Last month, Twitter announced that it will soon move its main data center to another location which is more feasible. Reportedly the new location was built data center in Sacramento, California.
Twitter shut down the application trending topics
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