Men is Good Cool

Here are some tips you can do to please your partner, as quoted by the Times of India:

1. Join Gather Together His friends
Do not always want both with him every time. Occasionally, take time to participate in activities with the him and his friends. Know the environment where he socialized. If you can mingle with his friends, he will judge you personally that 'easy going' and want to be involved in the activities he enjoys.

2. Buy Match Tickets Sports Watch
One way to make your loved one is impressed bought tickets to watch football, basketball or his favorite sport. If you are not including sports enthusiasts, there's no harm in giving two tickets to watch with his best friend. This treatment indicates that you wish he could have his own time, and can enjoy it without having to always be with you.

3. Do not Buy The Clothes She
If the fabric you love and she is relatively new, there is one thing to avoid is not to buy clothes for him. He can assume you do not like the way he dressed.

4. Send Message Romanties
Send him messages via SMS affectionately about how much fun date night, or how romantic treatment of the him to you on a date.

5. Keep the attitude in the Public Home
When in love, the world indeed seemed to belong together. But do not over-indulgence in intimacy in public. Your partner may feel uncomfortable if you always hold, embrace or caress along the road. Other people will feel uncomfortable to see you both. This also applies if you and he fight, do not shout or cry in public. Find a quiet place to talk about the problem.

6. Make Food
While visiting his parents' house, it helps if you bring small cakes homemade. It's a fairly simple effective way to take care your lover's mother. Provide homemade food will be more special than giving the impression to leave food in a pastry shop.


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