Artikel Baru

4 ways to avoid cigarette

Smoking for some people has become a necessity, perhaps the beginning you just try it , or you just make it as a lifestyle . ...

5 Important Health Tests for Women

Not a few illnesses who secretly undermined the body without ever causing symptoms . That 's why a medical examination be pe...

sifat-sifat anda di liat dari posisi tidur

Sleeping on your back with arms and legs wide open Benar2 lovers of soul freedom. Pose like this shows your true identity. Lovers of comfor...

10 dangerous computer virus in the world

1.Storm Worm Appears taon 2006, called "Storm Worm" because spreads via email with the subject "230 dead as storm batters Eur...

Character of a woman while walking

Each symbolizes the women's movement while walking his personality. 1. When walking, the back does not seem to tread the ground. Bergin...